Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


:: AYAHKU ..?! :::

Seorang anak gadis yang baru ditinggalkan mati ayahnya menangis sedih di makam sang ayah. Diantara isak tangisnya , terdengar lirihannya :

* "Wahai ayahku, engkau telah kukafani dengan sebungkus kafan, tetapi masihkan engkau mengenakan kafan itu besok? Aku telah meletakkan tubuhmu yang segar bugar dalam kubur, masih bugarkah engkau atau sudah mulai digerogoti cacing?

* Ayahku , orang-orang alim mengatakan bahwa semua hamba besok akan ditanya tentang imannya. Diantara mereka ada yang bisa menjawab , tetapi ada yang cuma membisu. Adakah ayah nanti bisa menjawab, atau hanya membisu?

*Ayahku, orang alim berkata, bahwa kuburan itu bisa dibuat luas atau sempit. Bagaimanakah kuburan ayah , bertambah luaskah atau menyempit?

* Ayahku , orang alim pun berkata, bahwa kain kafan orang yang meninggal ada yang diganti dengan kain kafan surga dan ada pula yang diganti dari neraka. Kain kafan yang mana yang ayah gunakan sekarang?

* Ayahku, orang alim berkata, bahwa kuburan itu merupakan secuil taman dari taman di surga, tapi bisa juga merupakan sebuah lubang dari lubang neraka. Yang kupikirkan , bagaimana kuburan ayah sekarang? Taman surgakah atau lubang neraka?

* Ayahku , orang alim berkata bahwa liang kubur bisa menghangati mayat dengan memeluknya seperti pelukan ibu kepada anaknya, tetapi bisa juga merupakan lilitan erat yang meremukkan tulang-tulang si mayat. Bagaimana keadaan tubuh ayah sekarang, pelukan manakah yang ayah rasakan?

* Ayahku, orang alim berkata , orang yang dikebumikan itu ada yang menyesal mengapa dulu semasa hidupnya tidak memperbanyak amalan bagus , tetapi malahan mengumbar maksiat. Yang kutanyakan pada ayah, apakah ayah termasuk yang menyesal karena perbuatan maksiat , ataukah yang menyesal karena sedikit melakukan amal kebagusan?

* Ayahku , dahulu setiap aku memanggilmu tentu engkau menjawab, tetapi kini engkau kupanggil-panggil tak lagi mau menjawab. Engkau kini telah berpisah denganku dan tak bertemu lagi sampai hari kiamat, Semoga Allah tidak menghalangi perjumpaanku denganmu"

Seandainya pertanyaan ini yang mengajukannya adalah anak kita yang kita cintai , yaitu pada hari kita mati dan baru dikubur, bagaimana perasaan kita?...
Mampukah kita menjawabnya?...

(Ir Permadi Alibasyah "Sentuhan kalbu")



Shalat ini dinamakan tarawih yang artinya istirahat karena orang yang melakukan shalat tarawih beristirahat setelah melaksanakan shalat empat raka’at. Shalat tarawih termasuk qiyamul lail atau shalat malam. Akan tetapi shalat tarawih ini dikhususkan di bulan Ramadhan. Jadi, shalat tarawih ini adalah shalat mal...am yang dilakukan di bulan Ramadhan.[1]

Adapun shalat tarawih tidak disyariatkan untuk tidur terlebih dahulu dan shalat tarawih hanya khusus dikerjakan di bulan Ramadhan. Sedangkan shalat tahajjud menurut mayoritas pakar fiqih adalah shalat sunnah yang dilakukan setelah bangun tidur dan dilakukan di malam mana saja.[2]

Para ulama berpendapat bahwa lebih afdhol shalat tarawih dilaksanakan secara berjama’ah sebagaimana dilakukan oleh ‘Umar bin Al Khottob dan para sahabat radhiyallahu ‘anhum. Kaum muslimin pun terus menerus melakukan shalat tarawih secara berjama’ah karena merupakan syi’ar Islam yang begitu nampak sehingga serupa dengan shalat ‘ied.[4]

Keutamaan Shalat Tarawih

Pertama, akan mendapatkan ampunan dosa yang telah lalu.

Dari Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

مَنْ قَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ

“Barangsiapa melakukan qiyam Ramadhan karena iman dan mencari pahala, maka dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu akan diampuni.” (HR. Bukhari no. 37 dan Muslim no. 759). Yang dimaksud qiyam Ramadhan adalah shalat tarawih sebagaimana yang dituturkan oleh An Nawawi.[5] Hadits ini memberitahukan bahwa shalat tarawih bisa menggugurkan dosa dengan syarat karena iman yaitu membenarkan pahala yang dijanjikan oleh Allah dan mencari pahala dari Allah, bukan karena riya’ atau alasan lainnya.[6]

Yang dimaksud “pengampunan dosa” dalam hadits ini adalah bisa mencakup dosa besar dan dosa kecil berdasarkan tekstual hadits, sebagaimana ditegaskan oleh Ibnul Mundzir. Namun An Nawawi mengatakan bahwa yang dimaksudkan pengampunan dosa di sini adalah khusus untuk dosa kecil.[7]

Kedua, shalat tarawih bersama imam seperti shalat semalam penuh.

Dari Abu Dzar, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah mengumpulkan keluarga dan para sahabatnya. Lalu beliau bersabda,

إِنَّهُ مَنْ قَامَ مَعَ الإِمَامِ حَتَّى يَنْصَرِفَ كُتِبَ لَهُ قِيَامُ لَيْلَةً

“Siapa yang shalat bersama imam sampai ia selesai, maka ditulis untuknya pahala qiyam satu malam penuh.”[8] Hal ini sekaligus merupakan anjuran agar kaum muslimin mengerjakan shalat tarawih secara berjama’ah dan mengikuti imam hingga selesai.

Ketiga, shalat tarawih adalah seutama-utamanya shalat.

Ulama-ulama Hanabilah (madzhab Hambali) mengatakan bahwa seutama-utamanya shalat sunnah adalah shalat yang dianjurkan dilakukan secara berjama’ah. Karena shalat seperti ini hampir serupa dengan shalat fardhu. Kemudian shalat yang lebih utama lagi adalah shalat rawatib (shalat yang mengiringi shalat fardhu, sebelum atau sesudahnya). Shalat yang paling ditekankan dilakukan secara berjama’ah adalah shalat kusuf (shalat gerhana) kemudian shalat tarawih.[9]

Shalat Tarawih Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam

Dari Abu Salamah bin ‘Abdirrahman, dia mengabarkan bahwa dia pernah bertanya pada ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha, “Bagaimana shalat malam Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam di bulan Ramadhan?”. ‘Aisyah mengatakan,

مَا كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – يَزِيدُ فِى رَمَضَانَ وَلاَ فِى غَيْرِهِ عَلَى إِحْدَى عَشْرَةَ رَكْعَةً

“Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam tidak pernah menambah jumlah raka’at dalam shalat malam di bulan Ramadhan dan tidak pula dalam shalat lainnya lebih dari 11 raka’at.”[10]

‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha mengabarkan,

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – خَرَجَ ذَاتَ لَيْلَةٍ مِنْ جَوْفِ اللَّيْلِ ، فَصَلَّى فِى الْمَسْجِدِ ، فَصَلَّى رِجَالٌ بِصَلاَتِهِ فَأَصْبَحَ النَّاسُ فَتَحَدَّثُوا ، فَاجْتَمَعَ أَكْثَرُ مِنْهُمْ فَصَلَّوْا مَعَهُ ، فَأَصْبَحَ النَّاسُ فَتَحَدَّثُوا فَكَثُرَ أَهْلُ الْمَسْجِدِ مِنَ اللَّيْلَةِ الثَّالِثَةِ ، فَخَرَجَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – فَصَلَّوْا بِصَلاَتِهِ ، فَلَمَّا كَانَتِ اللَّيْلَةُ الرَّابِعَةُ عَجَزَ الْمَسْجِدُ عَنْ أَهْلِهِ حَتَّى خَرَجَ لِصَلاَةِ الصُّبْحِ ، فَلَمَّا قَضَى الْفَجْرَ أَقْبَلَ عَلَى النَّاسِ ، فَتَشَهَّدَ ثُمَّ قَالَ « أَمَّا بَعْدُ فَإِنَّهُ لَمْ يَخْفَ عَلَىَّ مَكَانُكُمْ ، لَكِنِّى خَشِيتُ أَنْ تُفْرَضَ عَلَيْكُمْ فَتَعْجِزُوا عَنْهَا »

“Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pada suatu malam keluar di tengah malam untuk melaksanakan shalat di masjid, orang-orang kemudian mengikuti beliau dan shalat di belakangnya. Pada waktu paginya orang-orang membicarakan kejadian tersebut. Kemudian pada malam berikutnya orang-orang yang berkumpul bertambah banyak lalu ikut shalat dengan beliau. Dan pada waktu paginya orang-orang kembali membicarakan kejadian tersebut. Kemudian pada malam yang ketiga orang-orang yang hadir di masjid semakin bertambah banyak lagi, lalu Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam keluar untuk shalat dan mereka shalat bersama beliau. Kemudian pada malam yang keempat, masjid sudah penuh dengan jama’ah hingga akhirnya beliau keluar hanya untuk shalat Shubuh. Setelah beliau selesai shalat Fajar, beliau menghadap kepada orang banyak membaca syahadat lalu bersabda: “Amma ba’du, sesungguhnya aku bukannya tidak tahu keberadaan kalian (semalam). Akan tetapi aku takut shalat tersebut akan diwajibkan atas kalian, sementara kalian tidak mampu.”[11]

Penulis: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal


madah cinta

(¯`•.¸ღ Dari Sujud Ke Sujud ღ¸.•´¯)

Bismillah sebuah rangkaian rasa yang terukir dalam sebuah karya yang hanya bisa diungkapkan dalam bentuk catatan
dari hati yang mungkin ada yang mengalami dilemanya.

Selamat membaca !

Semburat cinta di ujung pena tertulis deraian rasa dari insan
Sulit katakan bagaimana kujelaskan semua rasa fitrah ini
Dia datang seakan susah untuk di bendung dalam benak diri
Semua rasa ini malu rasanya ku ungkapkan tapi jika ku pendam
Seolah membeludak dalam diri yang menyesak hati dan risaukan rasa

Wahai engkau siapapun itu
Tahukah engkau dibalik hijabku terjaga ada rasa menyukaimu
Jauh dibenak ini suatu rasa yang kadang kututup rapat-rapat
Aku takut jika cinta fitrahku ini berubah jadi cinta yang berujung fitnah

Mengertilah deraian rasa ini bantulah aku menjaga rasa ini
Wahai engkau siapapun itu jagalah izzahmu(harga diri)
Kerna sejujurnya aku lemah pada orang yang lemah
Yakni jika engkau membawaku kelembah murka-Nya

Wahai engkau siapapun itu
Inginku ungkapan rasa ini padamu
Namun bagaimana ku jelaskan cinta sulit untuk kujabarkan
Jika malu melandaku jika takutpun meraguku ditiap dawai hatiku

Segenap hati siapku katakan namun imanku menolak untuk mengutarakanya
Kerna ku takut untuk terluka atas setiap asa hati yang berharap padanya
Tapi diriku menyadari siapalah aku baginya,hanya insan yang biasa dengan cinta sederhana
Cinta ketulusan jiwa serta keikhlasan hati yang seadanya jiwa ini punya

Wahai Allah kutundukan serendah-rendahnya pengharapanku pada-Mu
Wahai Tuhanku yang maha mengetahui segumpal daging bernama hati ini
Aku rapuh tanpa bantuanmu Allah..aku lemah tanpa sentuhan Cinta-Mu
Keletakan dahi ini bersimpuh segenap jiwa dan asa pada-Mu
Dari sujud ke sujud ku bertaqarrub memohon pembenahan hati kecilku ini

Resah melandaku Allah rasa fitrah-Mu membuatku gundah akanya
Akan rasa kurnia yang Engkau berikan pada diriku yang lemah ini
Sesuatu yang indah terlahir dari rasa yang kau kurniakan padaku jua
Dari setiap ungkapan hati dari anak manusia habluminnas

Wahai Rabbku aku bersaksi cinta di atas Cintamu
Dalam sujud sajadahku ini menentramkan hati yang gundah ini
Dimalam sunyi penuh doa pengharapan akan dirinya dari diri-Mu
Yang tersembunyi di benak jiwa ini yang terukir indah di hatiku

Jika Engkau izinkanku denganya kan ku jaga hatinya
Selayaknya kujaga hatiku yang tak mau tersakiti
Tapi jika ia bukan untukku bantulah aku menentramkan
Jiwa yang gundah dengan pengharapan cinta ini
Yakni mengagumi tanpa dicintai
Kutitip cintaku pada Cinta-Mu agar ia senantiasa bertasbih
Maha benar engkau yang bisa membolak-balikan hati

Silahkan bagi yang ingin berbagi dengan yang lain

Dari Sujud Ke sujudku pada-Mu
(bersyukur atas madah cinta-Mu)

Akhwatul Iman

Menuju Kemenangan di Bulan Ramadhan

Idul Fitri hari Kebahagiaan dan Kemenangan

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Asal Ied-ud-Fithr terdiri dari dua kata, yaitu ied yang artinya hari raya, dari
...asal kata ‘ayada yg artinya kembali. Dikatakan ied karena pada hari itu
Allah s.w.t mengembalikan kegembiraan dan rasa suka cita kepada hambaNya.

Ada yang mengatakan disebut ied karena pada hari itu kembalinya
kebaikan-kebaikan dari Allah kepada hamba, pada hari itu seorang hamba
kembali dalam keadaan suci karena telah bertaubat kepada Allah dan telah
meminta maaf kepada sesamanya.

Kata kedua fithr yang artinya fitrah, kesucian dan kebersihan jiwa. Ini
karena pada hari itu seorang hamba merayakan kebersihannya dari noda-noda dosa karena beribadah dan bartubat secara intensif selama sebulan penuh.

Maka ada yang menyebut hari idul fitri sebagai hari kemenangan karena kita
berhasil mengalahkan hawa nafsu kita selama sebulan penuh.

Tidak hanya itu, hari Idul Fitri juga menandai hari-hari besejarah. Wahab
bin Manbah meriwayatkan: “Allah menciptakan sorga pada hari Iedul Fitri,
menanam pohon keuntungan (thuuba) pada hari itu dan Allah memilih Jibril
sebagai pembawa wahyu juga pada hari itu juga”.

Idul Fitri dalam al-Qur’an

Allah s.w.t. berfirman dalam surah al-A’la (14-15)

“Sesungguhnya beruntunglah orang yang membersihkan diri (dengan beriman), dan dia ingat nama Tuhannya, lalu dia sembahyang. ”

Qatadah dan Ata’ mengatakan yang dimaksud dengan membersihkan diri dalam ayat ini adalah mengeluarkan zakat fitrah. Abu Said al-Khudri berkata:
yang dimaksud dengan “ingat nama Tuhannya” adalah dengan mengumandangkan takbir pada hari Idul Fitri dan bersembahyang maksudnya sholat Ied”.

Fadlilah Idul Fitri

Banyak fadlilah dan keutamaan yang diturunkan Allah s.w.t. pada hari idul
fitri. Dari Anas bin Malik Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda ” Pada malam Idul
Fitri Allah membayarkan pahala orang-orang yang berpuasa Ramadhan, lalu
Allah memerintahkan kepada malaikat-malaikatNya di pagi hari itu agar
turun ke bumi, mereka berdiri di ujung-ujung jalan dan pintu-pintu masuk
perkampungan seraya menyerukan kepada mahluk di bumi ini dengan suara
lantang yang didengarkan oleh semua mahluk bumi kecuali manusia dan jin :

wahai umat Muhammad kelaurlah kepada Tuhanmu Yang Maha Besar, Menerima hal kecil, Membalas dengan kebesaran, Memaafkan dosa besar. Ketika mereka mulai berduyun-duyun ke masjid-masjid dan mendirikan sholat dan berdoa, maka Allah tidak mendengar permintaan mereka kecuali mengabulkan hajatnya, memberi permintaannya dan mengampui dosa-dosanya. Lalu mereka keluar dari masjid dalam keadaan diampuni oleh Allah”.

Ibnu Abbas meriwayatkan bahwa malam Idul Fitri disebut malam pemberian
hadiah, pada malam itu Allah berseru kepada malaikatnya: “Aku bersaksi
wahai malaikatku bahwa Aku telah memberikan pahala puasa hamba-hambaKu, pahala sholat-sholat mereka. Aku limpahkan kepada mereka ridal dan ampunanKu.

Kemudian Allah berfirman “Wahai hamba-hambaku, demi keagungan
dan kemuliayaanKu, apapun yang kalian minta untuk hari akhirmu pasti akan
Kukabulkan, apapun yang kalian minta untuk dunia kalian pasti akan
Kuikutkan, Aku akan tutupi kekuranganmu sejauh engkau mengingatKu,
keluarlah dengan ampunan dan ridlaKu”.

Sebelum Idul Fitri Tiba

Sebelum Idul Fitri datang ada baiknya kita persiapkan hal-hal yang
selayaknya kita persiapkan untuk hari mulia itu. Kita perhatikan
persiapan-persiapan itu mulai dari yang wajib lalu yang sunnah.

Pertama yang harus kita kerjakan menjelang hari Iedul Fitri adalah membayar Zakat Fitrah. Zakat Fitrah waktunya adalah mulai mata hari terbenam malam Ied hingga mulai didirikan sholat Ied.

Dalam hadist riwayat Ibnu Umar, Rasulullah s.a.w. memerintahkan agar mengeluarkan zakat fitrah sebelum masyarakat keluar untuk menjalankan sholat Ied” (H.R. Jamaah).

Hadist Ibnu Abbas menegaskan bahwa “Barangsiapa mengeluarkan Zakat Fitrah sebelum sholat Ied maka itu merupakan Zakat Fitrah yang diterima dan barangsiapa mengeluarkannya setelah sholat Ied maka itu seperti sedekah biasa” (H.R. Abud Dawud).

Amalan-amalan lain yang disunnahkan menjelang Idul Fitri adalah sbb:

1. Memperbanyak membaca takbir pada malam Iedul Fitri. Itu merupakan
ibadah yang kita lakukan untuk meninggalkan Ramadhan dan untuk menyambut kedatangan ‘Idulfitri. Oleh sebab itu, disunatkan kepada kita mengucapkan takbir dengan mengangkat suara, bermula waktunya dari terbenam matahari malam Hari Raya sehingga imam mengangkat takbiratul ihram sholat ied.

Firman Allah Ta‘ala:
“Dan agar kamu membesarkan Allah atas apa-apa yang telah Ia
memberi petunjuk kepada kamu, dan agar kamu bersyukur (atas nikmat-nikmat yang telah diberikan”.( Surah Al-Baqarah : 185)

2. Menghidupkan malam Idul Fitri dengan memperbanyak beribadah kepada
Allah, baik itu dzikir, sholat atau membaca al-Qur’an. Melantunkan kalimat
takbir juga merupakan ibadah yang dianjurkan pada malam Idul Fitri. Dalam
sebuah hadist riwayat Udah bin Shamit Rasulullah bersabda :”Barang siapa
menghidupkan malam Ied dengan beribadah kepada Allah, niscaya hatinya
tidak akan mati di hari dimana hati-hati manusia telah mait” (H.R.Thabrani).

3. Mandi, memakai wangi-wangian, memakai pakaian yang terbaik, memendekkan kuku yang panjang dan menghilangkan bau badan.

4. Bagi makmum disunnahkan agar datang ke masjid atau tempat sholat Ied
dengan berjalan kaki dan berangkat pagi-pagi setelah sholat Subuh.
Sedangkan bagi imam disunnahkan mengakhirkan kedatangannya ke masjid
hingga menjelang sholat.

5. Disunnahkan sarapan pagi dengan bilangan kurma ganjil sebelum berangkat ke masjid untuk sholat Ied. (H.R. Bukhari)

6. Menunjukkan rasa gembira dan bahagia kepada semua orang yang ditemui
serta bersikap dermawan lebih dari hari-hari biasa.

7. Disunnah berangkat dan pulang dari masjid melalui jalan yang berbeda
untuk syiar agama.

Sholat Idul Fitri

Sholat Idul Fitri hukumnya sunnah mu’akkadah menurut Syafi’iyah dan
Malikiyah. Sedangkan menurut Hanbali hukumnya Fardlu Kifayah dan menurut Hanafiyah hukumnya Wajib.

Waktu Sholat Ied adalah setelah matahari terbit setinggi tombak hingga
waktu tengah hari. Jadi waktu sholat Ied sama dengan wakatu sholat Dhuha.

Tempat dilaksanakan sholat Ied menurut mayoritas ulama adalah di lapangan
luar kota kecuali kota Makkah dimana sholat Ied lebih utama dilaksanakan
di Masjidil Haram.

Mayoritas ulama juga berpendapat bahwa sholat Ied di masjid dengan tanpa sebab seperti hujan, hukumnya makruh. (Sesuai hadist Abu Dawud dll.). Hanya ulama Syafi’iyah yang mengatakan bahwa sholat Ied di masjid lebih utama dalam segala kondisi, dengan alasan dan dalil bahwa masjid merupakan tempat yang lebih mulia dari tempat apapun, terkecuali
bila masjid sempit sehingga tidak menampung semua jamaah, maka disunnahkan di lapangan.

Perbedaan Waktu Pelaksanaan

Saat ini terjadi fenomena perbedaan hari pelaksanaan Iedul Fitri karena
perbedaan metodologi penentuan hilal. Umat Islam dipersilahkan mengikuti
mana yang diyakini benar. Mengikuti keputusan pemerintah juga merupakan
langkah yang bijak untuk menjawab keragu-raguan dan kebingungan.

Para ulama, imam-imam masjid dan da’i publik selayaknya memberikan
penjelasan kepada masyarakat awam tentang fenomena perbedaan metodologi dalam penentuan awal bulan Ramadhan dan Idul Fitri, termasuk wawasan tentang rukyah dan hisab serta landasan metodologisnya. Ini akan membantu memperluas wawasan masyarakat terhadap masalah perbedaan dan khilafiyah yang wajar terjadi dalam pemahaman agama, sehingga tidak mengarah kepada ketegangan antar umat Islam.

Bagi yang melaksanakan Iedul Fitri lebih dulu, sebaiknya tidak perlu
menyalahkan yang belum iedul fitri dan tidak melakukan tindakan provokatif
yang tidak sehat, seperti sengaja makan dan minum di depan yang masih
puasa demi tujuan provokatif.

Masyarakat hendaknya diberi kebebasan dalam memilih masjid untuk sholat
Ied. Apabila seseorang ikut Idul Fitri hari ini, padahal masjid di dekat
rumahnya melaksanakan sholat Idul Fitri besok, maka ia cukup buka puasa
diam-diam di rumah dan besoknya bisa ikut berjamaah Idul Fitri bersama
masyarakat sekitarnya. Ini seperti orang yang melihat hilal sendirian
tanpa dua orang saksi sehingga pendapatnya tidak dijadikan pijakan oleh

Mengenai masalah hukum keharaman puasa pada hari Idul Fitri, selayaknya
dikembalikan kepada keyakinan masing-masing dalam menentukan hari Idul
Fitri dan dikembalikan kepada Allah. Allah maha adil dalam menghukumi
amalan hambanya. Tidak perlu membahas siapa yang dosa dan siapa yang
menanggung dosa. Semua kita kembalikan kepada Allah yang maha bijaksana.

Fenomena perbedaan penentuan awal Ramadhan dan Idul Fitri selayaknya kita angkat sebagai wahana mengembangkan toleransi di antara umat Islam maupun antar umat beragama. Fenomena ini jangan dijadikan pemicu perpecahan umat Islam, namun layaknya dijadikan tauladan bagi kehidupan beragama yang ragam namun tetap menjunjung kebersamaan dan persatuan.

Silaturrahmi dan saling meminta maaf

Kebersihan jiwa yang tercipta oleh ibadah puasa kita selama sebulan penuh
akan lebih sempurna kalau dipoles dengan pembershihan diri dari hak-hak
orang lain. Dosa kita kepada Allah telah kita tebus dengan ibadah dan
taubat selama sebulan penuh, kini saatnya dosa-dosa kita kepada teman dan
saudara kita juga kita hapuskan dengan saling meminta maaf dan saling

Dalam sebuah hadist riwayat Salman al-Farisi Rasulullah menyatakan : “Seorang muslim ketika bertemu dengan saudaranya seiman, lalu
diambilnya tangan saudara bersalaman, maka dosa-dosa keduanya berjatuhan laksana jatuhnya daun-daun dari pepohonan kering di saat angin berhembus, dosa-dosa keduanya diampuni meskipun sebanyak buih lautan” (H.R. Thabrani).

Pada hari Idul Fitri ini juga saatnya mempererat tali silaturrahmi yang
sudah terjalin dan menyambung tali silaturrahmi yang terputus. Saling
mengunjungi saudara dan sahabat merupakan cara untuk meningkatkan tali
silaturrahmi tersebut.

Mungkin di luar hari raya kita enggan untuk berkunjung ke teman atau sahabat kita karena tidak ada alasan yang tepat, maka di hari Iedul Fitri ini kita manfaatkan untuk seling berkunjung.

Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

"When I Fall In Love"

Toward Victory in Ramadan

"When I Fall In Love"

I asked permission Allahu Rabbi
Next time I fall in love
Do not let love for Thee is reduced
Until you make the existence of negligent

Allahu Rabbi
I have begged
Next time I fall in love
Fill my heart with Thy love numbers infinite
Let rasaku in thee remain intact

Allahu Rabbi
Allow a time when I fell in love
Chose me someone whose heart is filled with
Your love
and made ​​me even more admire Thy

Allahu Rabbi
Next time I fall in love
our Pertemukanlah
Give us a chance to better approach your love

Allahu Rabbi
Latter is the case pleaded kujatuh liver
You're Never palingkan thy face from me
Grant me Thy love ...
Love that never faded by time


Toward Victory in Ramadan

Toward Victory in Ramadan
Then your mom ... mom ... mom ... Later

Allaah says,
ووصينا الإنسان بوالديه إحسانا حملته أمه كرها ووضعته كرها وحمله وفصاله ثلاثون شهرا حتى إذا بلغ أشده وبلغ أربعين سنة قال رب أوزعني أن أشكر نعمتك التي أنعمت علي وعلى والدي وأن أعمل صالحا ترضاه وأصلح لي في ذريتي إني تبت إليك وإني من المسلمين
"We have enjoined on man to do good to parents, his father, his mother conceived him with difficulty, and gave birth to her with difficulty (too). Conceived him to his weaning is thirty months, so when he came of age and age up to forty years he prayed: "O my Lord, I am to be grateful ni'mat tunjukilah thou which thou hast given me and to my father and mother so that I can do righteous deeds, that you ridhai. Give me with kindness (giving good) to my descendants. Verily I repent to You and truly I am of those who have surrendered. "(Surat Al-Ahqaaf: 15)
Above paragraph will explain the rights of the mother towards her child. Know, that contain the lowest measure until delivery is 6 months (in most cases is 9 months 10 days), plus 2 years of nursing the child, so 30 months. So that not contrary to the letter Luqman verse 14 (See Tafsiir VII/280 ibni Kathir)
ووصينا الإنسان بوالديه حملته أمه وهنا على وهن وفصاله في عامين أن اشكر لي ولوالديك إلي المصير
"And We have enjoined on man (do good) to his two mother-father; his mother had conceived him in a weakened state that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your fathers two mothers, only to your return unto me. "(Surat Luqman: 14)
In this verse is mentioned that the mother has three kinds of exhaustion, the first one is pregnant, later giving birth and the subsequent lactation. Because it is good to his mother three times greater than the father. As stated in a hadith,
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال جاء رجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: يا رسول الله, من أحق الناس بحسن صحابتي? قال أمك, قال ثم من? قال أمك, قال ثم من? قال أمك, قال ثم من, قال أبوك
From Abu Hurayrah radhiyallaahu 'anhu, young said, "Someone came to the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam and said,' Messenger of Allah, to whom I have devoted the first time? 'The Prophet sal-Allaahu' alayhi wasallam said, 'Your mother!' And the person back asked, 'Then who?' The Prophet sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wasallam said,' Your mother! 'The man asked again,' Then who? 'He replied,' Your mother. 'The man asked again,' Then who else, 'The Prophet 'alaihi wasallam replied,' Then your father. '"(Narrated by Bukhari, no. 5971 and Muslim no. 2548)
Imam Al-Qurtubi explains, "hadith shows that love and affection of a mother, should be three times greater compared to a father. The Prophet sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wasallam said the mother said as many as three times, while the word father only once. If it is we understand, the other reality can reinforce that sense. Because of the difficulty dalammenghadapi pregnancy, ketikamelahirkan difficulties, and difficulties at the time of feeding and caring for children, only experienced by a mother. All three forms of honor was only owned by a mother, a father does not have it. (See Tafseer Al-Qurtubi X: 239. Iyadh al-Qadi said that mothers have a greater virtue than the father)
Similarly, Imam Adh-Dzahabi rahimahullaah, beliauberkata in his book Al-Kabaair,
Your mother has mengandungmu in her belly for nine months, as if nine years.
He struggled when had you that almost eliminate his life.
He has menyusuimu from the nipples, and she lose a sense of sleepiness due care.
She was washing kotoranmu with his left hand, he is more preferred than padadirinya yourself and food.
He made his lap as you swing.
He has given you all the goodness and if you're sick or complain of it looks great distress and grief so long and he spends the treasure to pay doctors who treat you.
If selected between life and death, then he will ask you to be the loudest.
How much good mothers, whereas you do not reply with good morals.
He always mendo'akanmu with Taufik, either secretly or overtly.
When your mother needs you at the time he was old and weak, you make him as valuable items not on your side.
You fill in a state she was hungry.
You have finished drinking in the state of her thirst.
You prefer to do good to your wife and child from the mother.
You forget all the good he had done.
It's hard on you nurture it when it was an easy affair.
You think your mother on your side and he's still short-term age.
You leave when he did not have a helper selainmu.
And God forbid you have to say 'ah' and God has a gentle reproach with reproach.
You will be tortured in the world with your children durhakanya to you.
God will reward in the Hereafter with Allah kept away from the Lord of aalamin.
(It will say to him),
ذلك بما قدمت يداك وأن الله ليس بظلام للعبيد
"This, is due to acts done by your hands before and indeed Allah is not the persecutor of His servants". (Surat al-Hajj: 10)
(Al-Kabaair things. 53-54, Maktabatush Shoffa, Dar Albaian)
Thus is explained by Imam Adh-Dzahabi about the magnitude of the services of a mother against child and explained that the services to the child's parents can not be calculated.
Well, we may not have the capacity to count one by one, the rights owned by a mother. Islam is only stressed to us the greatest possible honor, glorify and sanctify the position of the mother by doing the best things we can do, for the sake of happiness.
Examples of best man devoted to his mother
From Abi Burdah, he saw Ibn 'Umar and a Yemeni who was Tawaf around the Ka'bah while carrying his mother on his back. Yemen people were humming,
إني لها بعيرها المذلل - إن أذعرت ركابها لم أذعر
Indeed I was a mother who is very obedient steeds.
If a mount another run, then I would not run.
The man then asked Ibn 'Umar, "O Ibn' Umar, do I have to repay him?" Ibn 'Umar replied, "You do not repay him, although he setarik breath out when giving birth." (Adabul simplex no. 11; Shaykh Al Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh)
In a history explained:
From Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma that someone came and said that I proposed marriage to her, but he was reluctant to marry me. And he groom one another and he accepted it. So I was jealous of him and then I killed him. Am I still able to repent? Ibn Abbas said: does your mother still alive? He answered: no. Ibn Abbas said: bertaubatlah to Allah 'Azza wa Jalla and nearness to Him you can. Atho 'ibn Yasar said: then I went to Ibn Abbas asked you why you ask about her mother's life? Then he said: 'I do not know the deeds of the most closer to Allah Ta'ala than filial to the mother'. (This Hadith also issued by Al Baihaqy in Syu'abul Faith (7313), and Sheikh Al Albany menshahihkannya, see As Shohihah (2799))
In the above mentioned hadith that do good to the mother is a very great service, even with devotion to the mother is expected to help one's repentance accepted the Almighty. As in the above history, someone who did a very great sin of killing, when he asked Ibn Abbas, if he can still repent, Ibn Abbas even asked him whether he has a mother, because according to him worship or to the mother is doing good deeds most beloved of God as a sin as killing is an abomination of God.
Do good to the mother is an extremely pious charity bermanfa'at to eliminate the sins. This means, devoted to the mother is the way to go to heaven.
Do not disobey my mother
In a hadith the Prophet sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wasallam said,
عن المغيرة بن شعبة قال: قال النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم: إن الله حرم عليكم عقوق الأمهات ووأد البنات ومنع وهات. وكره لكم قيل وقال وكثرة السؤال وإضاعة المال
"Verily, Allah forbid you do disobedience to your mothers, burying daughters alive, refused duty and demanding something other than they are entitled. God also hates if you menyerbarkan rumors (rumors), many ask, and a waste of money. "(Sahih Hadith, history of Bukhari, no. 1407; Muslim, no. 593, Al-Ash-Syamilah Maktabah)
Ibn Hajar gives the following explanation: "In this hadith mentioned 'attitude of disobedience' against mothers, because the act is easier to do against a mother. Therefore, the mother is a weak woman. In addition, this hadith also give emphasis, that it do good to take precedence than do good to a father, be it through a soft speech, or overflow of a deep love. "(See Fathul Baari V: 68)
Meanwhile, Imam Nawawi explains, "Here, mention the word 'disobedience' against mothers, because mothers who exceed the glory of the glory of a father." (See Sharh Muslim XII: 11)
Make Mom Laugh
جاء رجل إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: جئت أبايعك على الهجرة, وتركت أبوي يبكيان, فقال: ((ارخع عليهما; فأضحكهما كما أبكيتهما))
"Someone came to the Prophet sal-Allaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said," I'll berbai'at you to emigrate, and I left my parents in a state of crying. "Prophet sal-Allaahu' alaihi wa sallam said," Go back to your parents and make both of them laughing as you have made them cry. "(Saheeh: HR. Abu Dawood (no. 2528), An-Nasa-i (VII/143), Al-Bayhaqi (IX/26), and Al-Hakim (IV / 152))
Do not Make a Mother Angry
عن عبد الله بن عمر قال: رضا الرب في رضاالوالد, وسخط الرب في سخط الولد.
"From 'Abdullah bin' Umar, he said," Ridha pleased God depends on parents and the wrath of God depends on the parent's wrath. "(Adabul Mufrod no. 2. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadith is hasan when it comes to friends, but authentic if to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)
The content of the above hadith is the obligation of seeking the pleasure of both parents at once contained a ban on anything that could provoke their wrath.
If there is a child who is disobedient to his mother, then her mother is pray for evil, then the mother's prayer will be granted by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. As in the saheeh hadeeth that the Prophet sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said,
ثلاث دعوات مستجابات, لا شك فيهن: دعوة الوالد على ولده, ودعوة المسافر, ودعوة المظلوم.
"There are three prayers have been granted by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is no doubt about this prayer: (1) prayer of both parents towards their children, (2) the prayer of the traveler who is on the way- , (3) prayer of those who dizhalimin. "(Hasan: HR. Al-Bukhari in Al-Adabul simplex (no. 32, Al-Adabil 481/Shahiih simplex (no. 24, 372))
If a mother is pleased with his son, and do'anya accompany every step of her child, surely grace, Taufik and help of God will always accompany it. Conversely, if a mother's heart hurt, and he complained to God, condemned his son. Sooner or later, the child would be exposed to the prayer of his mother. Wal iyyadzubillaah ..
My sister ... do not let your mother come out of an oral prayer for you but kindness and good pleasure. Because God hears the prayers of a mother and granted it. And nearness to us in the mother, berbaktilah, while there is still time ...
والله الموفق إلى أقوم الطريق-

O Candidate Imamku, Shuttle I Become Bidadarimu

O Candidate Imamku, Shuttle I Become Bidadarimu
O Candidate Imamku, Shuttle I Become Bidadarimu♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥(¯ `v '¯)`•. °. • '. °. • °. • '¯) * Love * Munajat Istikharah... (°. • '(°. •' * `° ♥ °
. بسم االلهالرحمن اارحيم ♥ ღ ☆ ღ

Welcome to the friends''who Want SHARE / TAG,ADMIN bs not help Ngetag Pict in Notes one by one, soHelp other''friends who need help Tag,May be a charity Salih together, God willing
♥ ✿ ✿ • * ¨ `* •. ♥ • ✿. °. ✿ • '♥. • * ¨` * • ✿ ✿ ♥♥ ✿ • * ¨ `* •. (¯ `v '¯) (¯` v' ¯). • * ¨ `* • ✿ ♥. . ♥ ✿ • * ¨ `* • v'¯)¸. .¸(¯`'*¨`* • ✿ ♥ •.
♥ ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ♥ •. °. • '♥ ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ♥─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ █ ─ █ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ── ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ █ █ █ █ ─ ─ █ ─ ─ █ ─ █ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ── ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ █ ─ ─ █ ─ ─ █ ─ ─ █ ─ █ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ── ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ █ █ █ █ ─ ─ █ ─ ─ █ ─ █ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ── ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ─ █ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♫ • * ¨ * • .. • * ¨ * • ♫ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

O God,
Actually I beg from you gig
Give me the best choice for me
With the knowledge that there is in thee,
And I beg your power
To finish my business with the imprimatur QudratMu

And I likewise beg to You
KurniaanMu party of the great,
for Thou art Almighty
While away your servant is filled with an oversight,
And thou likewise acquainted,
While away your servant is filled with ignorance,
And the step that Thou Knower of the unseen matter.
Who have you set for me ...

O God,
if you know that so and so / fulanah it
It is better for myself, my religion, and life,
And also result in a better world and the hereafter,
mudahkanlah takdirkanlah and then so and so / fulanah to me,
then bless me in the affairs of this mate.

And if you know so and so bahawa / fulanah it
Is even worse for myself, my religion, and life,
and consequently also worse in this world and hereafter,
So put away so and so / fulanah from me,
And keep me out of this affair,
And takdirkanlah good for me everywhere,
Then make me Redha accept it ..

With this, I bow to you O God
Expect and moaning to You
Tears were flowing this
I let it perk for the sake of hoping your affection,
Which is best for me,
Truly my life and my death nevertheless
Is it all just kerana Mu
Moga You're feeling sorry for myself who crave a clue. "

(¯ `v '¯) ♥ Because I Love Thee More ♥`·.¸.·"(''` `V'') ♥ (¯` v '¯) ♥ (¯ `v' ¯) ♥ (¯` v '¯)♥ ♥ ♥ .... `•. °. • '♥. `·.¸.·`. `·.¸.·` ♥ ♥ "" ♥ .¸.·`(¯ `v '¯) ♥ (¯` v' ¯) ♥ (¯ `v '¯) ♥ (¯` v' ¯) ♥ (¯ `v '¯) ♥ (¯` v' ¯) ♥ (¯ `v '¯) ♥`·.¸.·`¸.'`·.¸.·`¸.'`·.¸.·`¸. "·.¸.·`¸. "·.¸.·`¸ ."·.¸.·`¸'`·.¸.·ƸӜƷ ƸӜƷ .. .. .. • • • • • • .. .. .. ƸӜƷ ƸӜƷ

♫ • * ¨ * •. · ¸ الله · by: Umm Zahraa El-Harith oo. • * ¨ * • ♫♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥:: ♥('''V''') smoga this article can provide benefits .. Hopefully`•. °. • '* ¨ * ♫ ¤ ღ ☆ ღ *¨*¤.¸¸.¸¸.¤*¨* ღ ☆ ღ * ¨ * ¤ ღ. °. • '¯. • * ¨)(°. • '(°. •' ♥ ♥ ♥ GREETINGS UHIBBUKUM fillahAamiin Robbal yes' alamiin ♥ ♫ ♥ ♫♫ • * ¨ * •. · الله °. • * ¨ * • ♫ ♥: ♫ * ღ ☆ ღ * ¨ *¤.¸¸.¸¸.¤*¨* ღ ☆ ღ * ♥ ♫ • * ¨ * • . · ¸ الله • ♫

WOMEN sholehah ✿ ​​✿ ♥ True Muslim Pearls

WOMEN sholehah ✿ ​​✿ ♥ True Muslim Pearls
..... ♥ ☆ ˚ ◦ ☀ ° • ˚ ◦ ♥ ◦ ˚ • ° ☀ ◦ ˚ ☆ ♥ .....
♥ ♥ Never Stop Doing Good
..... ♥ ☆ ˚ ◦ ☀ ° • ˚ ◦ ♥ ◦ ˚ • ° ☀ ◦ ˚ ☆ ♥ .....

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ..

Keep doing good though not necessarily get the same reply ...

Keep doing good though often interpreted wrong ...

Fillah friend of my brother ...

When we do good must not principled as traders. A merchant in the transaction to profit, and it was supposed to be. But in terms of goodness principled way because we do not make a lot of disappointment. Free the minds and hearts of expecting a reply from the creature above all the good we do. Be kind solely expect the pleasure of Allah alone. So we are not haunted by the desire for praise and hope.

Sometimes we help people who have turned out to do evil against us. Retaliate with a similar crime was forbidden, but it would be wise if we could repay evil with goodness. Because it could be a time in will open her heart and return to the right path because it realized that doing good makes it comfortable and peaceful heart. And that is not less important when we do good turns reverb on the contrary, things we need to do is we leave it in God's affairs. Let God who wills his best manner.

Prophet once told me that there used to be people who want to give alms but donate it successively fell into the hands of the wicked; prostitutes, thieves and the rich are miserly. Instead of remorse, he even praised glorify God. Then the man was visited angel "alms have been received by the person who you sedekahi. The whore may she quit prostitution, the thief may he stopped from stealing and to the rich may he found himself and willing to give alms." (Narrated by Muslim).

For my brother's friend .. fillah do not regret our good deeds and do not stop doing good. Because in addition to rewarding good deeds also make us comfortable and peaceful heart.

♥ ☆ ˚ ◦ ☀ ° • ˚ ◦ ♥ ◦ ˚ • ° ☀ ◦ ˚ ☆ ♥

❀ fillah friend ... my brother, who has not been tagged please tag / share .... All for the people and the symbols of Islam. Please help a friend who has not been tagged,, Jazakumullahu khairan barakallahu fiikum wa.

❀ ❀ Visit our page and click on''Like / Love''to join so they can mark a record for yourself and others ❀ ❀

❀ Greetings and polite hospitality Closely ukhuwah fillah ✿.♥ ♥. •. . · ❤ •. ❀ ♥ ♥ •. Oo. • '❤ •. ❀ ♥ ♥ • ... • • *'¨`*. ♥

Before you are allowed to me

~ * •. Before you are allowed to me. • * ~
بسم االلهالرحمن اارحيم
Before You Halal me
Ahlan Wa Sahlan, Marhaban FII zaumina Hadza
Create Akhina Wa Ukhtina want TAG or SHARE PICT'a, on invite "FREE"
Please Help friend''another yes ngETaG
Syukron jiddan Aidan,
Alhamdulillaah ... ..All Praise be to Allah Lord of the Most Exciting all alam.Tuhan Rahman.Maha Rahim .. Shalawat and greetings always devoted to lovers of God, Prophet Muhammad Shallahu 'alaihi wa Salim wassalam.Allahumma Shalli Muhammadin Sayyidina wa Ala Ala Kulli aali Sayyidina Muhammadin fi na wa Lam Hatin Fasinn bi'adadi Kulli Ma'lu Mil Lak.
Rabbi Ya `* • • * '¯) Teach us how to give before you ask, think before acting, courteous in speech, calm when dismay, silent when the emotions hit, be patient in each of our ujian.Jadikanlah person as gently as Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, wise as Omar ibn Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan sedermawan, smart as Ali ibn Abi Talib, as simple as Bilal, Khalid bin Walid radliallahu'anhum so tough ღ Rabbal'alamin Amiin yes.
Oh God ......When the servant of meeting someoneand the servants fall in loveLet him be the best servantand he is the best for the servant
Oh God ......If the Servant be somebody's husbandAllow yourself to be protective for her servantlet be a pleasure for her slave's faceallow slaves to shade her eyesAllow the shoulders of slaves into her place off agitationlet every word be the coolness of her servant
Oh God ......Let every hug the road to get closer to Youlet each touch becomes the glue of love to youallow each meeting to make us grateful to You
Oh God ......let the hearts of very fine has never felt offendedizinlanlah vulnerable heart has never felt terkhianati
Oh God ......Our souls are in Thy handthen let us always furrowed soul in Thy loveI asked permission Allahu RabbiNext time I fall in loveDo not let love for Thee is reducedUntil you make the existence of negligent
Allahu RabbiI have beggedNext time I fall in loveFill my heart with Thy love numbers infiniteLet rasaku in thee remain intact
Allahu RabbiAllow a time when I fell in loveChose me someone whose heart is filled withYour loveand made me even more admire Thy
Allahu RabbiNext time I fall in loveOur PertemukanlahGive us a chance to better approach your love
Allahu RabbiLatter is the case pleaded kujatuh liverYou're Never palingkan thy face from meGrant me Thy love ...Love that never faded by time
Oh God ......my last request, I hope the two of us always in Thy protection
More Visit Our Blog SEHB http://andikaalbanjariiiyahoocom.blogspot.com/2011/09/duhai-dzat-maha-membolak-balikkan.html
Copyright belongs to Allah alone. Our rights as human beings are vying to disseminate the words of kindness to all mankind.
Really happy beings who have found true love .. like beads & thread fastening .. interwoven into a single strand that always touched one by one by the noble man whose lips were wet to the Lord will love Him
Barakallaahu fiykum wa jazzakumullah Khoir
(Before you are allowed to me) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sebelum-Engkau-Halal-BagiKu/138509376220354
Before You Halal me ♥ ♥
SALAM ♥ ♥ Courtesy ukhuwah
Hopefully what was said this is useful,
If there is no meaningful verbal please forgive that right must come from Allah and the one that comes from weakness ana anyway.
Wallahù'alam bíshawab Wabíllahí taufik walhídayah,
Wassalamù'alaíkùm warahmatùllahí wabarakatuh.

Because thy loving God

Because thy loving God

الله (¯ `v '¯) ღ ☆ ღ ♥ بس .................. م االلهالرحمن اارحيم ♥ ღ ☆ ღ...`·.¸.·``الله (''`v. .....''`) ♥ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته ♥

☆ ╰ ♥ ♥ ● • ☆ If you're happy, I'm also happy ☆ ╰ ♥ ♥ ● • ☆Bahagiamu is my smile.

There are times when dating someone who is old or has been promised to tie his love, at the end of the trip teryata not fit between expectations and reality. Not a soul mate; one sister parties betrothed by their parents, or are there other reasons that cause it failed to step into marriage. So, as manabentuk maturity or hardness is usually one side will say, "If you are happy I'm happy too."But, is it true those words were sincere and pure of heart, or just lip service tongue? The reason, is not rare, strong mouth said, but his heart could not accept. In front of the he can smile brightly, but when I got home the rain of tears.My friend, addressing things like that keep pace and prepare yourself mentally to face the reality. At first it's hard. But, when you keep trying semampumu, you would be able to say with sincere and pure of heart, "If you're happy, I was happy .... Hopefully ..... bahagiamu is my smile.
Already dare you say that?
I believe, it's really not about whether or not you dare say, but how you can accept the reality. If just words, everyone can. However, to willingly accept the struggle and requires extraordinary commitment. In addition, it is necessary also firm conviction that it's all there in his scenario. On that basis, the attitude husnuzan or kind thought to him will always be embedded in the chest.
'May GOD give you and make you happy "(HrNasa'i)

Keep Smile ...... ✿ ‿ ✿ watermelon ... (Because the spirit of GOD)

Yes ... GOD ..I Want To Be A Perfect Muslim

♥ ♥ ~ Note. Ukhty La Tahzan ~ ♥ ♥________ ______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █_______ █ █ █ █ █ ___ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ _ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █_______ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █_________ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █___________ █ █ █ █ █ █____________ █ █ █ ██ █ _____________█ ______________

halal-kah i ??father.....

Halal my father I
.بسم االلهالرحمن اارحيم
"Verily, Allah and the angels-angels bershalawat to the Prophet. O ye who believe, bershalawatlah you for the honor of the Prophet and say hello to him." (Al-Ahzab: 56)
Imam Al-Bukhari narrated, Abu 'Aliyah says, "Shalawat God is a praise to the prophet in the presence of the angels. As for blessings on the angels is a supplication (for him)."
Ibn Abbas said, "pray for Bershalawat means so blessed."
The point of the paragraph above, as mentioned by Ibn Kathir in his commentary that, "Verily Allah wa Ta'ala Subhannahu portray to all His servants on the position of His servants, the prophet and his girlfriend at his side in nature spirits, that the real praise Him in the presence of the angels. And verily the angels bershalawat for him. Then God commanded the inhabitants of the natural world in order bershalawat for him, so the praise is gathered from all inhabitants of the universe. "
1. In the above verse, God commands us to pray for and bershalawat to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam. Not vice versa, pleaded with him, as a god but Allah.
2. Many bershalawat the Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a sign of the love of a Muslim to his sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam [See the book "Mahabbatur Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, bainal ittibaa' walibtidaa '" (p. 77).], Because the clergy said: "Whoever loves something, he would often call it" [See the book "Minhaajus sunnatin Nabawiyyah" (5 / 393) and "Raudhatul muhibbiin" (p. 264).].
3. Reading shalawat to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam most important is what he taught to his companions, when he said,
"Say, O Allah bestow mercy to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as Thou hast mercy to Abraham and the family of Ibrahim. Thou art the Praised, the Most Noble. O God, bestow blessings to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as-which Thou hast bestowed a blessing to Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Thou art the Praised, the Most Noble. " (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
4. Shalawat meaning of Allah Almighty to His servant is the abundance of grace, forgiveness, praise, kemualian and blessings from Him [See the book "Zaadul masiir" (6 / 398).]. There is also a mean to taufik from Allah Ta'ala to issue his servant of darkness (error) into the light (his instructions), as in his word:{هو الذي يصلي عليكم وملائكته ليخرجكم من الظلمات إلى النور وكان بالمؤمنين رحيما}
"He who bershalawat thee (O man) and his angels (with the gift of forgiveness for you), that he might remove you from darkness to light (the light). And is He the Most Merciful to those who believe "(Surat al-Ahzaab: 43).
5. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said,
"If you hear the muezzin then just say as what he says, then bershalawatlah for me. For verily whoever bershalawat me once, Allah will bershalawat him ten times. Wasilah Then Pray to God for me. Surely it is somewhere (degrees) in Heaven . He does not deserve except for a servant of the servants of God. I hope that the servant was me. Whoever Wasilah ask me, then he is entitled to receive syafa'atku. " (Narrated by Muslim)
Prayer request Wasilah as taught by the Prophet to read in a low voice. He is read after the call to prayer and after reading for blessings on the prophet. Prayer that he taught are:
"O Allah, the Lord of this perfect call. And pray to be established. Give to Muhammad Wasilah (degrees) and virtue. And place it in a place he praised as You have promised." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari)
6. Reading pray blessings on the Prophet when, very dianjukan. It is based on the words of the Prophet:
"Each prayer is impeded, so that readings accompanied by blessings on the Prophet sallallaahu for 'alaihi wa Salam." (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, hasan hadeeth)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said,"Verily, Allah has angels adventure on earth, they tell me greetings from my people." (Ahmad, Hadeeth saheeh)
Bershalawat to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam is highly recommended, especially on Friday. And it includes the most important practice to draw closer to God. Bertawassul with shalawat when prayer is recommended. Because it includes the good deeds. Therefore, should we say,
"O God, with shalawatku to your Prophet, open to me my affliction ...May God bestow blessing and salvation for Muhammad and his family. "

Message Wisdom for The Husband / Prospective Husband ☀

(¯ `v '¯)`•. °. • (¯` v '¯) ♥........` •. °. • ``(''` `v''). ... ♥ ♥ ... ♥ `•. °. • '♥ ♥ ♥☀ Message Wisdom for The Husband / Prospective Husband ☀
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
O you akhi who holds a husband / future husband together let us examine the following message ..

Women are a part of man's rib, he is a soul mate, a source of tranquility, peace, love and peace.

God created a beautiful creature named woman is as apparel for men and the trust was imposed on him

The woman is one who glorified, mother of the clergy, women rulers / leaders of the nation ... Did not the Prophets, Apostles and anyone who holds a born leader of the woman's uterus?

O my husband / future husband devoted servant of God ...

Be happy and thankful if get the gift sholehah wife, who obey you, to maintain self-esteem and your treasure is also able to guard against things that are forbidden him ...

Be happy and thankful for the gift of it ...

Wife is a woman who is basically gentle, wanting affection, love, kindness and benevolence ...

Therefore, let the husband is always devoted to God in the face istripun so filled with compassion, gentleness, giving birth and a living mind, and holds promise faithfully as when the initial encounter.
Because the wife basically has a sense of tenderness and sensitivity, if that does not look good behavior should easily forgive and advised him wisely.
Allaah says:
"And hang out with them is worth. Then if you do not like them, (so be patient) because maybe you do not like something, but God made him that much good. "(Surat an-Nisa: 19)
In a hadith from Abu Huraira said, Praise be to Allaah Messenger Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said:
"Advise the woman because she was actually created from a rib, and the most crooked of the rib is its base, if you try to straighten it you shall break it, if you leave then it will remain crooked. Therefore Advise women. "(HR.Bukhari and Muslim).

Including the association of both the wife is advised wives to always speak the polite and courteous, always close the genitalia (wearing a veil, do not wear clothes that are thin and tight) when dealing with men who are not unrelated, and do not wear perfume when out of the house.

This message is a pearl conditioning as well as encouraging the women, so they realize how high the position she was suppose to follow Shari'a him ..
Thus fillah friend of my brother, I hope this thread useful.
♥ ♥:.! ♥ ☆:.! ♥ ☆:.! ♥ ☆:.! ♥ ♥
❀ fillah friend ... my brother, in this album there are some similar note, is not yet in the tag please tag / share .... All for the people and the symbols of Islam. Please help a friend who has not been tagged,, Jazakumullahu khairan barakallahu fiikum wa.