(¯ `v '¯)`•. °. • (¯` v '¯) ♥........` •. °. • ``(''` `v''). ... ♥ ♥ ... ♥ `•. °. • '♥ ♥ ♥☀ Message Wisdom for The Husband / Prospective Husband ☀
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
O you akhi who holds a husband / future husband together let us examine the following message ..
Women are a part of man's rib, he is a soul mate, a source of tranquility, peace, love and peace.
God created a beautiful creature named woman is as apparel for men and the trust was imposed on him
The woman is one who glorified, mother of the clergy, women rulers / leaders of the nation ... Did not the Prophets, Apostles and anyone who holds a born leader of the woman's uterus?
O my husband / future husband devoted servant of God ...
happy and thankful if get the gift sholehah wife, who obey you, to
maintain self-esteem and your treasure is also able to guard against
things that are forbidden him ...
Be happy and thankful for the gift of it ...
Wife is a woman who is basically gentle, wanting affection, love, kindness and benevolence ...
let the husband is always devoted to God in the face istripun so filled
with compassion, gentleness, giving birth and a living mind, and holds
promise faithfully as when the initial encounter.
the wife basically has a sense of tenderness and sensitivity, if that
does not look good behavior should easily forgive and advised him
Allaah says:
"And hang out with them is worth. Then
if you do not like them, (so be patient) because maybe you do not like
something, but God made him that much good. "(Surat an-Nisa: 19)
In a hadith from Abu Huraira said, Praise be to Allaah Messenger Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said:
the woman because she was actually created from a rib, and the most
crooked of the rib is its base, if you try to straighten it you shall
break it, if you leave then it will remain crooked. Therefore Advise women. "(HR.Bukhari and Muslim).
the association of both the wife is advised wives to always speak the
polite and courteous, always close the genitalia (wearing a veil, do not
wear clothes that are thin and tight) when dealing with men who are not
unrelated, and do not wear perfume when out of the house.
message is a pearl conditioning as well as encouraging the women, so
they realize how high the position she was suppose to follow Shari'a him
Thus fillah friend of my brother, I hope this thread useful.
♥ ♥:.! ♥ ☆:.! ♥ ☆:.! ♥ ☆:.! ♥ ♥
fillah friend ... my brother, in this album there are some similar
note, is not yet in the tag please tag / share .... All for the people
and the symbols of Islam. Please help a friend who has not been tagged,, Jazakumullahu khairan barakallahu fiikum wa. ❀
Dari Abdullah bin Mas’ud رضىالله عنه berkata: Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi Wasallam bersabda عليكم بالصدق فان الصدق يهدي الى البر وان البر يهدي الى الجنة وما يزال الرجل يصدق ويتحرى الصدق حتى يكتب عند الله صديقا ........ “Berpeganglah kalian kepada kejujuran, karena itu akan membimbing kepada kebaikan, dan kebaikan itu akan membimbing ke surga. Senantiasa seorang hamba berbuat jujur dan membiasakan sifat ini hingga dia dicatat di sisi Allah ta’ala sebagai seorang yang shiddiq (jujur). ....
Kamis, 01 Desember 2011
Message Wisdom for The Husband / Prospective Husband ☀
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