Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Before you are allowed to me

~ * •. Before you are allowed to me. • * ~
بسم االلهالرحمن اارحيم
Before You Halal me
Ahlan Wa Sahlan, Marhaban FII zaumina Hadza
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Syukron jiddan Aidan,
Alhamdulillaah ... ..All Praise be to Allah Lord of the Most Exciting all alam.Tuhan Rahman.Maha Rahim .. Shalawat and greetings always devoted to lovers of God, Prophet Muhammad Shallahu 'alaihi wa Salim wassalam.Allahumma Shalli Muhammadin Sayyidina wa Ala Ala Kulli aali Sayyidina Muhammadin fi na wa Lam Hatin Fasinn bi'adadi Kulli Ma'lu Mil Lak.
Rabbi Ya `* • • * '¯) Teach us how to give before you ask, think before acting, courteous in speech, calm when dismay, silent when the emotions hit, be patient in each of our ujian.Jadikanlah person as gently as Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, wise as Omar ibn Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan sedermawan, smart as Ali ibn Abi Talib, as simple as Bilal, Khalid bin Walid radliallahu'anhum so tough ღ Rabbal'alamin Amiin yes.
Oh God ......When the servant of meeting someoneand the servants fall in loveLet him be the best servantand he is the best for the servant
Oh God ......If the Servant be somebody's husbandAllow yourself to be protective for her servantlet be a pleasure for her slave's faceallow slaves to shade her eyesAllow the shoulders of slaves into her place off agitationlet every word be the coolness of her servant
Oh God ......Let every hug the road to get closer to Youlet each touch becomes the glue of love to youallow each meeting to make us grateful to You
Oh God ......let the hearts of very fine has never felt offendedizinlanlah vulnerable heart has never felt terkhianati
Oh God ......Our souls are in Thy handthen let us always furrowed soul in Thy loveI asked permission Allahu RabbiNext time I fall in loveDo not let love for Thee is reducedUntil you make the existence of negligent
Allahu RabbiI have beggedNext time I fall in loveFill my heart with Thy love numbers infiniteLet rasaku in thee remain intact
Allahu RabbiAllow a time when I fell in loveChose me someone whose heart is filled withYour loveand made me even more admire Thy
Allahu RabbiNext time I fall in loveOur PertemukanlahGive us a chance to better approach your love
Allahu RabbiLatter is the case pleaded kujatuh liverYou're Never palingkan thy face from meGrant me Thy love ...Love that never faded by time
Oh God ......my last request, I hope the two of us always in Thy protection
More Visit Our Blog SEHB http://andikaalbanjariiiyahoocom.blogspot.com/2011/09/duhai-dzat-maha-membolak-balikkan.html
Copyright belongs to Allah alone. Our rights as human beings are vying to disseminate the words of kindness to all mankind.
Really happy beings who have found true love .. like beads & thread fastening .. interwoven into a single strand that always touched one by one by the noble man whose lips were wet to the Lord will love Him
Barakallaahu fiykum wa jazzakumullah Khoir
(Before you are allowed to me) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sebelum-Engkau-Halal-BagiKu/138509376220354
Before You Halal me ♥ ♥
SALAM ♥ ♥ Courtesy ukhuwah
Hopefully what was said this is useful,
If there is no meaningful verbal please forgive that right must come from Allah and the one that comes from weakness ana anyway.
Wallahù'alam bíshawab Wabíllahí taufik walhídayah,
Wassalamù'alaíkùm warahmatùllahí wabarakatuh.

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